Diana & Sitou | Jacksonville Wedding Photographer

I am so thankful to have been Diana & Sitou Jacksonville wedding photographer. They are my closest friends and it was a real pleasure to create memories for them. I have been behind the scene from the proposal (I know I missed it 🙁 I was in Italy that day) to finally the wedding day. It was emotional to see all the work they put in coming to life. We weren’t sure how two families coming from different part of the globe (Diana is from Belize and Sitou from Togo) would hang out and it was perfect! Everybody had fun and enjoyed the day. I don’t think they could have dreamt about a better day. I love you dearly my friends and I am so happy that you are now husband and wife!!

J’ai envie d’écrire quelques mots en français car la famille de Sitou le parle et je sais qu’ils apprécieront. Le papa de Sitou me disait ce soir que l’amitié c’est important et je ne pourrais être plus d’accord avec lui. Je suis tellement reconnaissante d’avoir Diana et Sitou comme amis. Mon mari et moi venons de pays différents comme Diana et Sitou. Il n’est pas toujours facile de vivre loin de nos familles et avoir des amis proches est tres importants. Je n’hésiterai pas a dire qu’ils sont plus que des amis pour moi, ils font partie de ma famille. Je voudrai aussi ajouter que j’ai eu un plaisir enorme a rencontrer leur famille. Je connaissais deja celle de Diana mais c’était la premiere fois que je rencontrais celle de Sitou et je me suis sentie tout de suite bienvenue. Ce fut mon plaisir que de terminer ce soir, Thanksgiving Day, le slideshow pour que le papa de Sitou puisse le prendre avec a son retour en Afrique demain. Je sais que des membres de la famille apprécieront ce cadeau. Je me réjouis deja d’avoir l’occasion de les revoir tous! être en Afrique, qui sait?

Here is the slideshow that summarize their day:

Jacksonville WeddingMaggianoTreaty Park Wedding in JacksonvilleOak Tree Wedding Ceremony in JacksonvilleOak Tree Jacksonville WeddingJacksonville Wedding PhotographerThey switched to their African outfit during the reception.
African Wedding JacksonvilleWedding at MaggianoDivine Indulgences CakeAll the women of the family had the same African outfit. All the men had the same scarfs. It was gorgeous!African Wedding at MaggianoLimousine WeddingPhotographs by Severine Photography. Jacksonville Wedding Photographer.

Click HERE to see the slideshow teaser in high resolution.

  • Nabad Byll-Cataria - November 28, 2014 - 12:30 pm

    Sévy, it’s a pleasure knowing you and your professionalism paired with your love for this couple shows through. Du find du coeur de la famille Byll-Cataria, merci. Merci énormément. Love you loads.
    PS:if the stars align, why not be my wedding photographer…in Africa:-)ReplyCancel

  • Séverine - January 4, 2015 - 10:02 pm

    Nabad, you know that nothing would make me happier than being with you at your wedding!!!!ReplyCancel

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