Holy Crap she has cancer!

I have a hard time writing this blog because Dani’ story touches my heart. Dani is one of the first friends I met 6 years ago when I arrived in Jacksonville. We were in the English Language Program (ELP) together and even with our broken English we were able to communicate and have fun together. Danijela is from Europe like me and even if we are not from the same country we are from the same continent… small things count when you are away from home 🙂

I lost my mother from cancer a few years ago and I know how hard the fight against cance4r is. I was so shocked and saddened when I  read Dani’s blog for the first time a few months ago. Dani has breast cancer? How it is possible? She is only 26! Sadly a few days later the news was confirmed. Since that day, I have been praying for her everyday and with my husband we tried to help as much as we could. I have been following her blog and facebook updates and  two weeks ago she wrote about a box that she was creating for her daughter Chloe to have memories of her, I thought that as a photographer I could help. I messaged Dani and proposed to her to have a photo session so she could put beautiful pictures of both of them in the box. It is so sad that I can hardly write about it but at the same time I know how important it is. I don’t have any beautiful pictures of my mother and with time I have lost the capacity to see her in my memory. Time blurs visual memories. I wish I had a picture of my mother, my sister, and me that I could hang in my house. I am happy to know that now Dani and Chloe have pictures to cherish.

If you want to know more about Dani’s story, here is the link to her blog: http://holycrapihavecancer.blogspot.com/2012/06/terminal-illness.html?spref=fb. You will find a link on the navigation for donation. If you can, please help Dani and Chloe.



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