When Kadija called me to schedule Alpha 2nd birthday pictures I couldn’t believe it. It seems that it was last week that I did his newborn pictures and yesterday the smash the cake for his one year! I really love following my young client. It’s so much fun to see how they grow up and how they develop their own personality. Alpha for his 1st year picture was running around and creating a huge mess in the studio but this year for his 2nd birthday pictures he was a handsome calm young boy. I can’t believe how he grows up in one year! Kadija was as usual beautiful in every outfits she tries.
I absolutely love this first picture. For me it shows what a mother is. She is here to help, guide and love but also to leave him try by himself and learn by experience.
He is so handsome with his hat and his blue tie!
I kept this picture and i love it because a child is not always laughing; it’s real life. Alpha wasn’t happy to have to smile for the picture and he showed it to me 🙂
Photographs by Severine Photography, 100 North Laura Street, Suite 803, Jacksonville, Florida.